Mike has the flu and it is believed to be H1N1.
We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon last week. The Viking's were winning on the TV and we had guest over for dinner. After a great meal and chat time with friends, I started to gear up for the week. At about 6:30 P.M. I got Mike dressed in his P.J.'s and noticed that all of a sudden he looked pale and felt warm. It was a fever. A bit of Tylenol hidden in some juice and he went off to sleep. About 11 P.M. I heard him up and went in to check on him. I asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom, he did- and then he vomited. A temp of 102.7 and again more Tylenol. The problem was, with in a few minutes of juice with Tylenol, he was vomiting again. This went on all night.
By morning he looked even worse. Asking Mike about his symptoms gives no results. They say the H1N1 often starts with a sore throat. Asking that question gives no answer. Asking Mike about his stomach is the same. I could only go by what I could personally see. He had a fever and was vomiting.
Monday and Tuesday were rough. His fever was hard to control and getting meds in him impossible. I called the ER at 11 P.M. Tuesday night as his fever had come down and now again spiked to 103 and we could get no meds in him to stay down. He looked just awful. The ER and the clinic did not want to see him unless he had a fever of 105 ( I know I was shocked too ) and/or he was turning blue when he tried to breath. They told me to give him a cool bath and try rubbing alcohol to bring the fever down. The cool bath helped but he was miserable. His breathing was fine this entire time, however he had bouts with hard coughing.
It is now Sunday and he ate for the first time besides a few bites of jello. He only wants water to drink and is scared to eat anything.
Mike was exposed to the H1N1 virus at school. His symptoms were those of the virus. It was a hard virus to deal with and parents should be cautioned. Not panic, just be cautious.
It is Sunday again - 1 week from the onset. I am exhausted. No one else in the house has symptoms of the virus. I have slept so little and could just sleep for days I think given the chance. I plan to keep Mike home again from school tomorrow. He is still coughing a bit and rests in the afternoon this past week. This has taken all of the vinegar out of him. He just wants to lay in bed and watch movies and rest. He did fire up his PC and did a bit of drawing today he has left his bed open and crawls in often to just rest. He is willing to drink water but food is slow going. When I think he is well rested, able to make a full day of it and is back to eating well I will send him. We are only on week 6 of school and he has missed over 2 full weeks so far this year.
My mom was a lifesaver and brought us fresh supplies this week as we have stayed home to keep from passing this on to others.
A bit of FYI- the H1N1 shot comes in 2 forms. The shot DOES have mercury in it. The nasal one DOES NOT. We will still have Mike immunized with the nasal when it is available.
If you have concerns talk with your Dr.
I should go and check on him and offer him more ice water.
Stay healthy!!