Interesting title for my Blog today. The question is where did I go for so long? The answer is... no where. I have been here plugging away writing, even blogging. In my draft file of my Blogger I have 13 drafts- well written, just never posted. I am not generally a impulsive blogger. I have many thoughts, even taking the time to write them, just not always one to post them. I may read them again and see if they still hold merit to publish here.
I continue to write. Politics and Special Education seem to take precedence over everything else that I write. We can give a shout out that politics have been sparky enough to write about and the economic situation in our country has more then had an impact on Special Education.
I am almost finished with my third book on Autism- still yet untitled-it manages to find it's own title as it nears the end. A novel that I am working on (19) chapters in, has also taken much of my time.
In the interim, I sent my oldest off to college, my youngest off to the 4th grade, buried a beloved pet and fell in love with a new one. Still married to my man Jim ( saying it that way makes it sound as I may have been on the fence about that ). He remains as adorable and patient as ever.
I am off to read my drafts and see what I think is still relevent to today. Life is good, Mike is great and life continues on. I will make an appearence here more often and see what touble I can get into. I reamain ever the spark, carrying my spoon to stir the pot.
Peace` JJJS