Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let's Talk Books!!

In a bit of a rush today but I feel the need to pass on some information.


The majority of books are purchased online these days. I am an avid reader and consumer when it comes to books. My favorite thing to do is go online to major book vendors and look and buy books.

I have no problem sharing with you the best way to obtain a copy of your favorite book or new book yet read.

First, if you know who the publisher was- check there first. Many sell books directly and at huge savings to you the consumer. No middle man and no addition shipping via vendors.

Second, if you can not get a book from the publisher then go to a direct vendor. When I say that I mean such as - Barnes & Noble, Borders Books and my favorite You will pay what I refer to is a fair price. Ordering online is cheaper then in a store.

Third, look and see what incentives the above are offering. As a club member you can get huge savings if you buy a lot of books either at that same time or with in let's say a years time.

I bring this subject up because once again I was notified that my books are being sold at ludicrous amounts of money via the Internet. This is a common practice with many book suppliers. This happens to most all books that are new to the market.

Let me tell you this, your are putting no extra money in my pocket or my publisher by buying my book at a highly inflated price. Unfortunately, the consumer is the the one who pays the price.

I also offer this advise, I know that some of my first book The Color Red are on eBay and apparently signed by me for bid. I can not tell you if they are authentic or not. I have signed so many books- who knows.....? I try if time allows to sign a book with some flair and with a person's name added to it. If you want a book signed, come to a signing- I am happy to do so or at an event I am at.

If you want my book do yourself a favor and go to my website- go to my publisher and order a book(s). If not there then Amazon or Barnes & Noble online or in stores.

I was sent a note from a friend who found my book(s) for over $70.00 for one of them and it was a paperback, not even a hard cover copy. That is insane and I hate the thought of a parent, teacher or family member with an autistic or special needs child not ordering that book that they may very need the information contained in it because the cost is so high.

I also know that several Universities courses in the field of teaching, education, and special education or Masters programs now require my book to read as part of the curriculum. I hate the thought of a college student who already is pumping out outrageous amounts of money for books for their classes possibly without knowing better spending these outrageous amounts of dollars for my book or for that matter other books. Yes, that was officially a run on sentence. I am irritated by this and in a rush.

Buy from reputable book stores and online is great. I have never had a problem with my book ordering online at B&N and Amazon. I have always been pleased.

I feel fine with the set price for my books at both my publisher and reputable book stores. At best you will save money buying online with my top picks for store what ever the book it is you are ordering.

Consider this post a consumer post. Don't pay $70.00 for one of my books or $121.00 for a hardcover copy- I am good but not that good honey!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Some pictures from the photo shot for book

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Book party info to come soon- next week. Join me on Twitter or Facebook. Was sent a great link on Facebook from a high school classmate that is geared for Autistics- check it out- It is GREAT!

It is a Saturday here and Mike is a busy guy- have to run.
Check back soon for updates.


Friday, April 17, 2009

New Book " Autism is a Four Letter Word-Love" is out

I am so excited that my new book is out and available. It is always exciting to see your work develop to a finished piece.

I am receiving many emails with questions on my book PR and when & where I will be.

My answer is I am unsure at this time.

I had to make a few changes to the planned PR schedule for the moment. Michael does not do well when I am not at home. He does OK with dad when I am away for a short time. Jim however has had his own set of circumstances recently. As we are in Minnesota with the work that Jim does he has been called away at a moments notice to head to North Dakota to help build the levees for the ever flooding ND. Just when I have something on the schedule he gets the call and within less then a half an hour he is gone. At times for a week or longer or a few days. When he leaves we have no answers when he is coming home.

With that said, I am taking a step back and giving the flooding situation time to settle and then I will let my PR people get things back on schedule. I know the timing is terrible but what can one do?

Yes, I will be doing radio talk shows, press and TV. I will have a launch party I believe in late May and then start doing book signings. Life should settle a bit by then so it can be enjoyed.

My website has had a facelift so feel free to snop around a bit and catch up on things. The book is available via my publisher online and at most major book stores online and in stores. It take a bit of time for them to get then and out on shelves. Furthermore, most books are now ordered via the net.

You can catch the links on my website to order-

Have to run, Mike soon home from school-

All my best- Julie